Improvement of Electrical Circuit Simulation of Wipper System
The wiper system is electrical system body which function as a windshield sweeper with the main goal is keeping the driver’s view when the weather is dewy or rainy, the wiper system has 2 electrical circuits namely high speed and low speed plus a washer circuit that functions to spray liquid onto the glass. Because the wiper system electrical circuit simulation trainer is no longer functioning, in this final project the writer fixes, the wiper system electrical circuit simulation in the automotive lab to function again. The writer repairs the wiper system electrical circuit simulation so that it can be used again in practice, so that students can easier to understand how paths of the electrical circuits in the wiper system such as high speed and low speed circuit and washer system circuits. From the result of the electrical circuit simulation repairing of the wiper system, there are components that are missing and damaged, so some components must be replaced. In the wiper system at high speed. It requires a larger supply of electric current than at low speed.