<p>Jurma : Jurnal Program Mahasiswa Kreatif journal published by LPPM Univ. Ibn Khaldun Bogor to carry out the tri dharma of higher education. This journal is published bi-monthly (June, December) which has a focus and scope in the field of community service.</p>LPPM UIKA Bogoren-USPKM-P2614-8188Improvement of Electrical Circuit Simulation of Wipper System
<p>The wiper system is electrical system body which function as a windshield sweeper with the main goal is keeping the driver’s view when the weather is dewy or rainy, the wiper system has 2 electrical circuits namely high speed and low speed plus a washer circuit that functions to spray liquid onto the glass. Because the wiper system electrical circuit simulation trainer is no longer functioning, in this final project the writer fixes, the wiper system electrical circuit simulation in the automotive lab to function again. The writer repairs the wiper system electrical circuit simulation so that it can be used again in practice, so that students can easier to understand how paths of the electrical circuits in the wiper system such as high speed and low speed circuit and washer system circuits. From the result of the electrical circuit simulation repairing of the wiper system, there are components that are missing and damaged, so some components must be replaced. In the wiper system at high speed. It requires a larger supply of electric current than at low speed.</p>Nurhidayat NurhidayatHamid Nasrulloh
Copyright (c) 2022 Nurhidayat Nurhidayat, Hamid Nasrulloh
2025-02-172025-02-178249049410.32832/jurma.v6i2.2612Overhoul Mesin Motor Supra Fit New 2006
<p>The overhaul of the 2006 Honda supra fit new motorcycle engine is overhaul, inspection, and assembly of engine components. In this overhaul, visual inspection and observation of each component is carried out, to compare the standard size of each component with the results of the measurements made. This overhaul process includes transmission inspection, crankcase bearing inspection, cylinder block wear, piston diameter, cylinder head flatness, spring valve outer and spring valve inner, valve, rod kit gap, piston pin, rocker arm and wear, and valve spring seat inspection. As a result of the overhaul carried out, there are components that have exceeded the standard specification limit of the component, so it is necessary to replace the components that have exceeded the standard limit with components that meet the standard, so that the engine can return to the specification standard and can drive the Honda supra fit new motorcycle.</p>Nurhidayat NurhidayatHamid Nasrullah
Copyright (c) 2022 Nurhidayat Nurhidayat, Hamid Nasrullah
2025-02-172025-02-178249550010.32832/jurma.v6i2.2613MAINTENANCE OF THE STARTER SYSTEM ON THE 1992 MAZDA MR CAR
<p>In the final project report. Teknik Mesin DIII. Faculty of Engineering. Bogor Academy of Technology Automotive technology is one of the fields whose technological developments always keep up with the times and demands. The starter system functions to make the engine start process easier. An electrical system that works on the starter motor to convert electrical energy from the current source (battery) into mechanical energy (rotary). The DC series motors consume direct current electric power with a generated field coil to form a magnetic field connected in series with an almature coil. The current that flows on the conductors in the motor assembly causes an electromotive force due to the occurrence of the Lorentz force so that it produces rotation and torque with a magnitude of 2249.86 Nm. From the resistance that exists in the starter motor, an efficiency of 87.2% is obtained from the 24v 4.5kw motor. The rotation produced by the motor is transmitted by reducing the pinion gear with the ring gear on the flywheel on the top of the gear calculation. The gear ratio is determined to reduce the rotation and increase the torque with the reduction of the planetary gears.</p>Kasum KasumAlbert KasmanAziz Zeni Setiawan
Copyright (c) 2021 Kasum Kasum, Albert Kasman, Aziz Zeni Setiawan
2025-02-172025-02-178224324710.32832/jurma.v5i2.2614Evaluation of Engine Overhaul as a Maintenance Effort Supra Fit New 2006 Engine
<p>The overhaul of the 2006 Honda supra fit new motorcycle engine is overhaul, inspection, and assembly of engine components. In this overhaul, visual inspection and observation of each component is carried out, to compare the standard size of each component with the results of the measurements made. This overhaul process includes transmission inspection, crankcase bearing inspection, cylinder block wear, piston diameter, cylinder head flatness, spring valve outer and spring valve inner, valve, rod kit gap, piston pin, rocker arm and wear, and valve spring seat inspection. As a result of the overhaul carried out, there are components that have exceeded the standard specification limit of the component, so it is necessary to replace the components that have exceeded the standard limit with components that meet the standard, so that the engine can return to the specification standard and can drive the Honda supra fit new motorcycle.</p>Albert KasmanNur Hidayat
Copyright (c) 2023 Albert Kasman, Nur Hidayat
2025-02-142025-02-148247147510.32832/jurma.v7i2.2610Analysis of Application of K3 in Cable Factories
<p>K3 does not only cover occupational safety and health but also covers worker welfare, worker welfare is one of the most important things for workers and companies. Well-being refers to the conditions and working environment that are supportive, physical, emotional and mental health of employees in a company. Worker welfare includes safety and health. In this era of globalization and industrialization, occupational safety and health are absolute things that companies must fulfill for their workers. Based on the results of the research, the implementation of K3 at PT Walsin Lippo Industries, Cikarang is one of the attitudes and behaviors of workers who are reluctant to use complete personal protective equipment provided by the company. Many workers neglect the safety equipment provided by the company to prevent work accidents. The reason is that workers feel uncomfortable when using personal protective equipment, so workers do not want to use personal protective equipment in its entirety. In fact, personal protective equipment or PPE is equipment that must be used when working according to the hazards and risks of work to maintain the safety of the workers themselves and those around them. The correct use of PPE in accordance with occupational safety standards such as the use of Safety Shoes, Gloves, Hats, Earplugs, Safety Glasses, and also masks is considered too complicated so that it causes discomfort at work.</p>Dadang RustandiKasum Kasum
Copyright (c) 2023 Dadang Rustandi, Kasum Kasum