Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kontekstual dengan Menggunakan Media Visual Peraga
The Community Service Program (PKM) is one of the programs from the campus in carrying out activities among the community as well as in schools by empowering students to improve the abilities of Indonesian students in learning, one of which is SD N 173353 Simangulampe which is located in Baktiraja District. In this program, students who are involved have the responsibility to help the school in the teaching process both offline and online by increasing students' interest in learning. Because today is the era of the digital era where we have to prepare the nation's children to be able to compete with other countries. In addition, students also help teachers in making it easier for students in their lessons. So that the teaching process can be changed, which initially only used a blackboard in explaining various lessons, students provided teaching aids, so that students were more receptive to teaching and easier to understand. The expected result of this program is that the school and the community will be helped in improving education and students will add to their soft skills experience outside of campus activities.