'Stop Bullying' Education on Children at The Zulfa Nur Islamic Education Foundation

  • Wirda Syari Universitas Ibn Khaldun
Keywords: Bullying, Child, Education


Bullying especially against children, is still a problem that needs to be addressed immediately, given its very dangerous impact both now and in the future. Based on the results of observations, it is known that some students at the Zulfa Nur Islamic Education Foundation sometimes still engage in non-physical/verbal bullying such as teasing, laughing at, and so on. Therefore, education about 'stop bullying' is needed for children at the Zulfa Nur Islamic Education Foundation so that they can understand what bullying is, how it impacts and in the end want to avoid this behavior. The educational activity was carried out on November 11th 2021 by conducting 'stop bullying' counseling using the interactive lecture method. The result and impact of this counseling activity is to increase knowledge about what bullying is, how it impacts, and how to prevent and fight bullying. This activity also raises the awareness of children at the Zulfa Nur Islamic Education Foundation not to engage in bullying in any form because the impact is very dangerous and is behavior that is prohibited by Islamic teachings. In general, it can be concluded that this counseling runs smoothly and can achieve the desired goals.
