Developing Seketi Village during COVID-19 Pandemic as Tourism Village in Sidoarjo
Seketi Village located in Balong Bendo, Sidoarjo has most of its community work as a farmer. Seketi is known as a village with ability in weebing in the form of “tempeh/tempayan” (rounded woven bamboo contrainer). This ability is becoming the source of tourism potential in Seketi Village. Pok Darwis, a community group in Seketi Village, has role in developing this toruism potential. However, the emergence of COVID-19 make Seketi Village experience the degradation and face some problems in developing the tourism potential. Therefore the community need to find a solution including, enhancing the awareness of the young generation to expand the potential of bamboo craft, understanding the tourism legality and the knowledge on the era of new normal. In summary, it is needed an activity that can help to solve the problems in the form of socialization, such as cultivating bamboo and installing the signpost to Seketi Village.