Review Policy
Articles published in ABDIDOSEN have gone through a substantial review process. Pre-review of articles will be carried out to see the suitability of page formats, figures, tables, citations, and bibliographies as well as article systematics. Plagiarism checking is done through searches on Google Scholar and Turnitin with a maximum similarity value of 25%.
After the pre-review process is complete, the journal manager will allocate two peer-reviewers to conduct a double-blind review. The duration of the review process will follow the key dates of each publication (see homepage).
Reviewers may request a re-review after the authors have revised the article. The decision to accept the article is at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief based on the recommendations of the reviewers.
Please ensure that authors monitor the system regularly or watch the news on the email registered on the system for information on the review results. After the review process is complete, the Letter of Acceptance (LoA) can be issued, by submitting a request to the journal manager via email