unityserv : UIKA Community Service Journal https://pkm.uika-bogor.ac.id/index.php/unityserv <p>Community Service Journal is a journal managed by the faculty of economics and business, ibn khaldun university bogor.</p> en-US unityserv : UIKA Community Service Journal 3047-387X Introduction to Simple Financial Records at Waste Bank 0614 Bukit Cimanggu City, Bogor City https://pkm.uika-bogor.ac.id/index.php/unityserv/article/view/2311 <p><em>Bank Sampah 0614 is a community group in Bukit Cimanggu City Housing, Bogor City that actively carries out activities to utilize waste to be managed with a reuse, reduce and recycle system. This activity is a form of community concern in helping to improve environmental cleanliness. On the other hand, the existence of a waste bank opens up income opportunities to improve the welfare of the community and advance the economic structure. Waste bank financial management is one important aspect that needs to be considered so that the waste bank can run well and achieve its goals. The implementation of community service activities in the form of introducing simple financial records is very useful. From ignorance of the waste bank administrators to understanding and being able to do better waste bank financial records.</em></p> Nora Azmia Widhi Ariyo Bimo Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 1 1 1 6 Education On The Introduction And Calculation Of Cost Of Goods Produced And Bep At Umkm Champions Assisted By Kssp Al-Hijrah Bogor District https://pkm.uika-bogor.ac.id/index.php/unityserv/article/view/2312 <p><em>The purpose of the implementation of one of the Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi programs is to provide an understanding of MSME players, so that they can manage their Cost of Goods Manufactured in more depth and discuss the importance of break even points, so that they can be practiced by participants who are none other than MSME players who are members of the UMKM Juara under the guidance of KSSP AL-Hijrah in Sentul Bogor. As is generally the case, that there are still many MSME players who do not have a record of Cost of Goods Produced in production activities, causing unclear MSME profits so that the business development of the MSME players themselves is hampered. This activity is carried out by conducting direct, face-to-face meetings, in the form of material exposure, discussion and mentoring.</em></p> N.ARumiasih. Ningrum Yudiana Yudiana Muhammad Nur Rizqi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 1 1 7 10 Efforts to Increase and Utilize the Creativity of Students of Batu Dua State Elementary School, Bogor Regency through Plastic Waste Management https://pkm.uika-bogor.ac.id/index.php/unityserv/article/view/2313 <p><em>Creating creative students can be done by doing some activities that can provoke their desire to try new things. The success of a student is determined by the cooperation between the school and the teacher who can create competent students. As happened at SDN Batu Dua school, why did the researcher choose this school because according to the results of observations that the researcher had made previously at the school, there was still a lack of interest in children in the surrounding things that could be utilized. Due to the rapid development of technology, children tend to prefer things that are easy for them to find. For example, due to technological developments, children can easily get toys or items they like through their cellphones. This can affect children's interest in developing their potential. Real work study (KKN) by Ibn Khaldun University of Bogor students at Batu Dua State Elementary School. The kukerta team and teachers worked together to gather students in the classroom. By collecting plastic waste around the house and school. Then, children learn about how to utilize waste and recycle processing. In this activity, the main object of activity is students in grades 1 to 6. They practice waste recycling processing by utilizing inorganic waste to make useful items and improve their creativity skills.</em></p> Muhammad Jaelani Rendi Gunawan Siti Nurrifdah Pertiwi Synthia Permata Hati M. Rizky Firmansyah Siti Nurkhofipah Adnan Agung Wibowo Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 1 1 11 16 Utilization of Biobox (Biopori and Dropbox) to Increase Public Awareness of Inorganic Waste https://pkm.uika-bogor.ac.id/index.php/unityserv/article/view/2315 <p><em>Problems such as flooding can be caused by the behavior of people who still litter, such as in rivers or streams. This can cause water to not flow smoothly and will cause water overflow to be hampered. The efforts of the Real Work Lecture (KKN) carried out by group 41 are to overcome these problems, one of which is by providing water absorption holes, namely Biopori and the establishment of a Waste Bank by making Dropboxes, which function to separate organic and inorganic waste. This research uses a qualitative description method with data collection techniques through observation, semi-structured interviews and documentation. The subjects of this research were 17 students who did KKN in one of the waste banks</em><em>. </em><em>The results showed that with the creation of Biopori infiltration holes and Dropbox inorganic waste containers, the RW 06 community was helped from the problems of overflow of water which is considered prone to flooding. In addition, in the waste bank program, the counseling that has been carried out has obtained good results, in the form of the participation of RW 05 residents who are starting to be aware of protecting the surrounding environment and the enthusiasm of residents to fill the Dropbox with their inorganic waste.</em></p> Nur Adila Zahra Fahmi Junaedi Annisa Nur Faujiah Rafa Azzahra Muhammad Nur Rizqi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 1 1 17 25 Strategies To Increase The Quantity And Quality Of Green Mussel Crackers https://pkm.uika-bogor.ac.id/index.php/unityserv/article/view/2316 <p><em>The work of traditional fishermen is highly dependent on the weather, which sometimes makes it impossible to go to sea. If this happens, it is difficult for the fishermen's families to fulfill their needs. To be able to help the economy of fishermen's families, a group of fishermen's wives tried to develop food products whose raw materials are easily available in the area. The food produced is green mussel (Perna Viridis) crackers. However, because the production process is still very conventional, the production of green mussel crackers is also still very limited both in quantity and quality. To be able to help develop the green mussel cracker business, assistance is given in the form of production equipment, improved packaging and brand labeling, as well as processing PIRT (Home Industry Production Licensing).</em></p> Hartanti Nugrahaningsih Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 1 1 26 29