Introduction to Simple Financial Records at Waste Bank 0614 Bukit Cimanggu City, Bogor City

  • Nora Azmia Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor
  • Widhi Ariyo Bimo Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor
Keywords: Financial Recording, Waste Bank, Used Cooking Oil


Bank Sampah 0614 is a community group in Bukit Cimanggu City Housing, Bogor City that actively carries out activities to utilize waste to be managed with a reuse, reduce and recycle system. This activity is a form of community concern in helping to improve environmental cleanliness. On the other hand, the existence of a waste bank opens up income opportunities to improve the welfare of the community and advance the economic structure. Waste bank financial management is one important aspect that needs to be considered so that the waste bank can run well and achieve its goals. The implementation of community service activities in the form of introducing simple financial records is very useful. From ignorance of the waste bank administrators to understanding and being able to do better waste bank financial records.
