AMK : Abdi Masyarakat UIKA
<p>AMK (Abdi Masyarakat UIKA) is a journal published by Ibn Khaldun University Bogor to carry out the tri dharma of higher education. This journal is published 4 times in 1 year (March, June, September, December) which has a focus and scope in the field of community service.</p> <table class="mceItemTable"> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>e-ISSN / ISSN</strong></td> <td>: <a href="" target="_blank">2964 - 366X</a></td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>DOI</strong></td> <td>: 10.32832/amk</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Sinta</strong></td> <td>: -</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Published</strong></td> <td>: March, June, September and December</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>Universitas Ibn Khaldunen-USAMK : Abdi Masyarakat UIKA2964-366XOptimizing the Quality of MSME Products: KKN 72 UINSA's Assistance to Alza Chips through Legality, Rebranding, and Digital Marketing
<p>Business legality is really needed, especially for MSMEs, so that their business has an identity and can make all business permits easier. The aim of this community service is to improve the quality of MSME products through legality, rebranding, and digital marketing. The method used in the process of implementing this service is the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) method. The ABCD method is a technique for finding and recognizing a community's capabilities so that it can manage its assets, strengths and potential. The results of this service are assistance with business legality through creating NIB, rebranding logos and packaging, and carrying out digital marketing by making promotional videos and registering production sites on Google Maps. Assistance activities for making NIB, product rebranding and digital marketing ran smoothly and had a good impact on improving the quality of the Alza chips business products.</p>Mukhammad AlfaniAisha RahmawatiElly Rahmah YantiJihan Nazila SalsabilaPutri Galuh AfandiSilvi Nur Laila SariNova Lusiana
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2024-12-242024-12-2434157165Village Head's Efforts to Prevent Stunting: Strategy for Providing Additional Menus as a Child Health Solution
<p>This research aims to determine the role of the Jaladri village head in preventing stunting by providing effective additional menus, especially for poor families who are vulnerable to malnutrition. With a descriptive qualitative approach, this research shows that village heads play an important role in improving the nutritional status of children in the village. Additional menus are designed to meet nutritional needs that support children's optimal growth. Research recommendations emphasize the need to improve national nutrition policies that are more integrated and effective. A comprehensive and sustainable approach is needed in stunting prevention programs throughout Indonesia, including nutrition education, access to additional menus, as well as strengthening the health system and support from various parties, including village governments. It is hoped that this effort can have a positive impact in reducing stunting and improving the quality of children's nutrition.</p>Eka NurkholisaMuhammad ThohirMardiyah Mardiyah
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2024-12-242024-12-2434166173Application of Ice Breaking and Interactive Quizziz to Improve Student Learning Quality: Community Service Program at IPIEMS Surabaya Junior High School
<p>This article discusses the application of ice-breaking techniques and the interactive learning platform Quizizz to improve the quality of student learning at IPIEMS Junior High School Surabaya, Indonesia. In the digital era, innovative teaching methods are crucial, as traditional methods often do not meet the needs of diverse students. Ice-breaking activities are proven to increase student motivation and engagement, while Quizizz offers an interactive and fun learning experience, which encourages a deeper understanding of the material. This study aims to evaluate the impact of these methods on motivation, comprehension, and overall learning quality, with a blended approach involving surveys and interviews. The results showed a significant increase in student motivation and engagement after the implementation of these techniques. In addition, the ice-breaking activity created a more relaxed classroom atmosphere, encouraging active participation and reducing boredom, while Quizizz provided immediate feedback that supported critical thinking and a deeper understanding of the material taught. Overall, both methods proved effective in making the learning process more dynamic and interactive, ultimately contributing to improving the quality of education in the digital age.</p>Farichatul FauziyahMukhammad Alfani
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2024-12-242024-12-2434174180Efforts to Develop Generation Z Character Education in the Digital Age
<p>This study aims to examine efforts to develop character education for Generation Z in the digital era, marked by rapid technological advancement. Generation Z, born and raised in a digital environment, exhibits characteristics and behavior patterns different from previous generations and is vulnerable to various challenges, such as negative content, cyberbullying, and individualism. Character education is essential in building strong ethics, morality, and personality amidst the dynamics of the digital era. This research employs a literature review method, analyzing various literature on character education in the digital age, particularly focusing on the needs of Generation Z. The study's findings indicate that effective character education for Generation Z must be adapted to technological developments and their unique characteristics. The implementation of digital-based character education strategies involving families, schools, and communities synergistically is a preventive measure to prepare Generation Z to face the challenges of the digital era with a strong and principled character.</p>Wahab WahabMuhammad Irpan
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2024-12-242024-12-2434181187The Use of Fairy Tales in Developing Early Childhood Characters at Raudhatul Athfal (RA) Arafah
<p>This research aims to find out how fairy tales are used to develop the character of early childhood and how the character of early childhood develops after using fairy tales. Location This research was carried out at RA Arafah, in the 2023/2024 academic year in the even semester. Early childhood education is the key to shaping children's personalities and preparing them for the next level of school. Therefore, children's education must start from an early age, including for the formation of children's character, because the most important thing in a child's development is the child's character. This research uses a qualitative type of research with the research subjects being school principals, teachers and students. Data collection tools used in this research are observation, interviews and documentation.The research results obtained by researchers were by using storytelling media or telling Fable to children as a learning tool to shape children's characters. This can be seen from the results of children's development after implementing the learning method through Fable in the classroom, then in implementing Fable you must also have techniques such as storytelling places, sitting positions, fairy tale language, teacher intonation, display of emotions, avoiding spontaneous words and ending Fable. This aims to be a supporting factor in developing the character of early childhood students. Then, after everything is implemented, the children begin to receive moral messages and stimulate a sense of responsibility in children, further increasing religious values, hard work, mutual help, cooperation and mutual cooperation at Ra Arafah. So that everything is applied to students using the fairy tale method as well as character building for young children. In this way, children will become more educated in the future because the use of Fable is very effective in character building and in the future can improve the morals and ethics of early childhood at RA Arafah.</p>Siti Nurhaliza LubisAnnisa WahyuniHanifah Oktarina
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2024-12-242024-12-2434188193The Utilization of Digital Technology in Public Health Services Utilization of Digital Technology in Public Health Services
<p>The use of digital technology has brought significant changes in the public health sector. This article analyzes policies related to the use of digital technology in public health services, focusing on innovations such as telemedicine, wearable devices, and electronic health information systems. The results of the study show that digital technology improves the efficiency, accessibility, and quality of health services, while supporting disease prevention and individual health management. However, challenges such as limited infrastructure, data privacy, as well as digital skills need to be addressed. Collaboration between the government, health institutions, and the community is the key to optimizing the application of digital technology in health services.</p>Salshabilla April LeaYusnidar Sari MutiaraCut Mulyana MoelyMimbi Gusrera MarpaungSri Hajijah Purba
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2024-12-282024-12-2834194199Characteristics of the Development of Kindergarten-Age Children at Nurul Ihsan Ilmi Kindergarten, Medan Temb
<p>This study aims to describe the characteristics of the development of spirituality of school-age children in Nurul Ihsan Ilmi Kindergarten, Medan Tembung. In this context, spirituality includes moral, religious, and awareness of the meaning of life. This study presents an analysis of how children's spiritual development is affected by various aspects, including physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and moral development. At an early age, known as the golden period of development, children are very sensitive to environmental stimulation, which makes early childhood education an important foundation for their growth. The findings suggest that the integration of spiritual education into the daily curriculum, through concrete activities such as joint prayer and moral stories, provides significant hands-on experience in helping children internalize spiritual values. Therefore, collaboration between teachers, parents, and the school environment is indispensable to ensure holistic and effective spiritual education, supporting the overall development of children.</p>Ramadhan LubisSayang PasaribuWanda Amelia PurbaSri Rahmayanti BerutuHasima HarahapDevita Aulia PutriRizki Melinda HarahapSindy Adella
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