SNTP2019-02-20T09:50:53+07:00Mohammad Muhyidin Journal Systems MULTIMEDIA DAN PEMILIHAN KONTEN BAHAN AJAR MULTIMEDIA PADA PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI2018-12-07T10:56:25+07:00Kurniati .kurniati.doesman@gmail.comIta Yusnitaita@gmail.comRamdhan<p>Multimedia dengan karakteristik yang dimiliki, dapat mengembangkan apapun konten pembelajaran. Untuk itu, diasumsikan multimedia pembelajaran mampu memberikan kebermanfaatan yang sangat tinggi kepada guru sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran, termasuk untuk pembelajaran anak usia dini. Penguasaan guru dalam penggunaan Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sangat berpengaruh sekali kepada penguasaan guru dalam penggunaan media pembelajaran. Karena media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan saat ini sudah banyak yang berbasis TIK, oleh sebab itu kemampuan guru dalam menggunakan perangkat TIK ini sangat penting sekali. Efektif tidaknya pemanfaatan TIK dalam pembelajaran PAUD bagi proses tumbuh kembang anak usia dini mutlak menjadi pertimbangan para guru sebelum menentukan untuk memilih jenis perangkat yang tepat. Oleh sebab itu, pemanfaatan TIK dalam pembelajaran di PAUD, perlu dirancang, direncanakan, dilaksanakan, dan selalu dievaluasi dari waktu ke waktu, agar pamanfaatan TIK dalam pembelajaran di PAUD dapat benar-benar optimal. Permasalahan yang terdapat di PAUD sekarang ini adalah bagaimana meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan guru-guru di PAUD dalam bidang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam menyusun media pembelajaran berbasis multimedia dan bagaimana memilih konten yang sesuai untuk dikembangkan melalui multimedia dalam pembelajaran di PAUD. Oleh karena itu<br>diperlukan pengetahuan tentang pemanfaatan multimedia dan pemilihan konten bahan ajar multi media yang tepat untuk pembelajaran anak usia dini.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) MODEL PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS MASALAH DAN EKSPOSITORI SERTA KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KRITIS TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR FISIKA2018-12-07T11:02:48+07:00Muhamad<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Perbedaan hasil belajar Fisika antara siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran Ekspositori; 2) Pengaruh interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan kemampuan berpikir kritis terhadap hasil belajar Fisika; 3) Perbedaan hasil belajar Fisika bagi siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis tinggi yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran ekspositori; 4) Perbedaan hasil belajar Fisika bagi siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis rendah yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran ekspositori. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen dengan rancangan faktorial 2 x 2. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 72 siswa. 36 siswa sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan 36 siswa sebagai kelompok kontrol. Pengambilan sampel penelitian menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner untuk kemampuan berpikir kritis dan tes pilihan ganda untuk mengukur hasil belajar. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis variansi dua jalur untuk menguji hipotesis yang berkenaan dengan perbedaan dua nilai rata-rata atau lebih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Hasil belajar Fisika pada siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah lebih tinggi daripada siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran ekspositori (rata-rata 18. 69>12, 67), dengan Fhit>Ftabel, 884, 54>3. 98 pada taraf signifikansi 0. 05. 2) Terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa terhadap hasil<br>belajar Fisika, dengan Fhit>Ftabel, 611. 47>3. 98. 3) Hasil belajar Fisika pada siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis tinggi yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah(20. 28) lebih tinggi daripada siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis tinggi yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan model<br>pembelajaran ekspositori (11. 22), dengan Fhit (6. 617)>Ftabel (3. 98) pada taraf signifikasi 0. 05. 4) Hasil belajar Fisika pada siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis rendah yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran ekspositori (17. 11) lebih tinggi daripada siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis rendah yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah (11. 22), dengan Fhit (5.889)>Ftabel (3. 98).</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) PENDIDIKAN ADAB AL-BUKHORI DALAM KITAB AL-ADAB ALMUFROD SERTA IMPLEMENTASINYA DI DALAM KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM TINGKAT SMP2018-12-07T11:18:13+07:00Muhammad<p>Adab is something that is needed in a learning, The earlier scholars were concerned with the problem of adab, many of whom wrote books about adab, among them priest Bukhori write a special book about adab containing the noble adab of Rasulullah during his lifetime, the book is al-Adab al-mufrod. But the phenomenon that occurs among learners now is they seem to view that the problem adab is a less important problem as a result they lack respect for teachers, do not understand how good civilized with friends, sadder again because the phenomenon of falling adab and moral among teenagers often occur mischief and even teen crime, ranging from courtship, liquor, drugs, brawl, begal, effeminate, and other crimes. Because of the importance of this discussion, the research in this thesis takes Bukhori's thought in al-Adab al-Mufrod. The research is library research which is a research that uses a way to obtain information data by utilizing existing facilities in the library, such as books, magazines, documents, notes, historical stories. The object of research that became the focus of analysis is the Education Concept of Adab al-Imam al-Bukhori In the al-Adab al-Mufrod<br>book and its Implementation in the junior high school level. The results show that in the junior secondary education curriculum should be accompanied by islamic adab, ranging from educational objectives based adab, the contents of the curriculum based adab until the method and evaluation of education based on islamic adab. every learning process must be based on islamic so that learners really understand how important the values adab in the learning that can then be implemented in real life, which in the end learners can be “insan adabi” human civilized who can put something according to the place.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) KEPEMIMPINAN KEPALA SEKOLAH MENURUT PERSEPSI GURU DALAM MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI KERJA GURU DAN KINERJA GURU SMP DAN MTS2018-12-07T11:20:42+07:00Muhlisin<p>This research uses survey method with correlation analysis, with two independent variable<br>that is student perception about teachers pedagogic competence (X1) and student learning<br>motivation (X2), and one dependent variable that is learning result of Islamic Religion<br>Education (Y). The first and second hypothesis testing is done by using simple correlation<br>analysis and the third hypothesis testing using partial correlation. The result of analysis<br>shows that there is a positive and significant correlation between student perceptions about<br>pedagogic competence of teacher with learning result of PAI 0, 766, there is positive and<br>significant correlation between student learning motivation with result of learning PAI<br>equal to 0, 714, and there is positive and significant correlation between student perception<br>about teacher pedagogic competence and student learning motivation together with<br>learning result of PAI equal to 0, 858 which means there is a very significant correlation and<br>is in very strong or very high correlation category.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) KESADARAN BERAGAMA DENGAN VANDALISME DI KALANGAN PELAJAR2018-12-07T11:24:09+07:00Munakhiroh El Hajarjh.ahla@gmail.comZainal Abidin<p>MUNAKHIROH EL HAJAR. Hubungan Kesadaran Beragama dengan Tindakan Vandalisme<br>di Kalangan Pelajar. Dibimbing oleh Zainal Abidin Arief dan Muhyani.<br>Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji hubungan antara Kesadaran Beragama, dan Vandalisme<br>di kalangan pelajar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survey. Populasi<br>dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kecamatan Kemang<br>Tahun Ajaran 2018-2019. yang berjumlah 653 siswa, dan sampel yang diambil berjumlah<br>227 siswa dengan menggunakan tehnik purposive dan random sampling. Instrumen yang<br>digunakan adalah kuesioner. Hipotesis yang diuji adalah: (1) Apakah terdapat hubungan<br>positif antara kesadaran beragama dan vandalisme di kalangan pelajar, (2) Seberapa besar<br>sumbangan faktor kesadaran beragama terhadap vandalisme di kalangan pelajar. Analisis<br>menggunakan tehnik korelasi sederhana dan korelasi ganda serta tehnik regresi sederhana<br>dan regresi ganda. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa (1) Terdapat hubungan positif<br>antara kesadaran beragama dengan vandalisme di kalangan pelajar dengan sebesar 5, 9%<br>(2). Makin tinggi tingkat perkembangan kesadaran beragama siswa maka semakin<br>menurunnya tindakan vandalisme di kalangan pelajar. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian,<br>maka ada beberapa saran sehubungan dengan peningkatan pencegahan vandalisme di<br>kalangan pelajar, diantaranya: (1) Kepala sekolah hendaknya mengikuti pelatihan atau<br>seminar, (2). Kepala sekolah hendaknya lebih menekankan kepada guru untuk<br>meningkatkan kompetensinya terutama dalam bidang keagamaan (3). Kepada guru<br>Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri maupun Swasta di Kec Kemang terutama guru PAI<br>untuk mendidik siswa dalam hal agama bukan hanya siswa mengetahui dan mengerti saja<br>akan tetapi hingga mencapai tingkat memahami dan mempraktekkan sehingga siswa<br>memiliki nilai kesadaran yang tinggi terhadap ajaran agamanya.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) MOTIVASI DAN KREATIVITAS GURU DALAM MENGAJAR DENGAN HASIL BELAJAR MATA PELAJARAN PAI2018-12-07T11:25:49+07:00Rina<p>This research is a correlation study to examine the relationship of motivation and creativity<br>of teachers in teaching with the results of learning Islamic Education in Madrasah Aliyah<br>Negeri 4 Bogor. The problem in this study was formulated as follows: (1) relationship<br>between teacher motivation and learning outcomes of Islamic Education in Madrasah<br>Aliyah Negeri 4 Bogor, (2) teacher's creativity relationship with learning outcomes of<br>Islamic Religion in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 4 Bogor, (3) Relations between the motivation<br>and creativity of teachers together with the results of learning Islamic Education in<br>Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 4 Bogor. The method used in this study is a survey method with<br>correlation analysis. This research was conducted at the Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 4 Bogor,<br>with a population of 59 people but 20 samples were taken from all teachers of Islamic<br>Religious Education. Data analysis techniques using quantitative techniques assisted with<br>SPSS version 17 software. Analysis prerequisite test with normality test using the One-<br>Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test formula, and homogeneity test using the One Way ANOVA<br>formula in SPSS software. Test the hypothesis with partial correlation with the Correlatepartial<br>menu. The conclusions obtained from the results of this study are: (1) there is a<br>relationship between teacher motivation and the learning outcomes of Islamic Education in<br>Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 4 Bogor, (2) the relationship between the teacher's creativity and<br>the learning outcomes of Islamic Education in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 4 Bogor, (3) there is<br>a significant and positive relationship between teacher motivation and teacher creativity<br>together with the results of learning Islamic Education in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 4 Bogor.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS MENGGUNAKAN CD INTERAKTIF PADA KEMAMPUAN MENULIS UNTUK MATERI “DESKRIPTIF TEKS” MENGGUNAKAN PENGEMBANGAN MODEL ADDIE2018-12-07T11:27:55+07:00Rustika<p>Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Pengembangan Media pembelajaran yang digunakan<br>dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Mengukur dan mengetahui pencapaian<br>kompetensi Peserta Didik; Memperbaiki proses pembelajaran; dan Dalam rangka menjamin<br>mutu kualitas pendidikan di SMK Telekomedika Bogor. Masalah dalam penelitian ini<br>dirumuskan sebagai berikut: Bagaimana proses pengembangan, penilaian kualitas produk,<br>penilaian peserta didik, dan efektifitas penggunaan media pembelajaran berbasis<br>multimedia interaktif sebagai media pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk peningkatan<br>kemampuan menulis peserta didik pada materi” descriptive text” Metode yang digunakan<br>dlam penelitian ini menggunakan kombinasi antara model penelitian yang diadaptasi dari<br>model Dick and carey dan model ADDIE . Model Dick and Carey digunakan sebagai tahapan<br>penelitian dalam tahap Analisis yaitu tahap Analisis Kebutuhan dan Tujuan (Identity<br>Instructional Goal (s)), Melakukan Analisis Instruksional (Conduct Instructional Analysis),<br>Analisis Pembelajar dan Konteks (Analyze Learners and Contexts), Analisis Pembelajar dan<br>Konteks (Analyze Learners and Contexts). Sedangkan untuk pengembangan penelitian<br>menggunakan model ADDIE. Prosedur Pengembangan Model ADDIE yang terdiri dari 5<br>tahap yaitu analisis (analyze), desain (design), pengembangan (development), pelaksanaan<br>(implementation), dan evaluasi (evaluation).</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) KETERAMPILAN DASAR MENGAJAR MELALUI MATAKULIAH MICROTEACHING BERBASIS MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN EDUKATIF (MPE)2018-12-07T11:32:30+07:00Salati Shobarimuham@gmail.comIrfan<p>The purpose of this study was to describe the learning process of Microteaching in Madrasah<br>Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education UIKA Bogor, explaining the implementation of basic teaching<br>skills through the simulation of Educative Learning Media and explaining the effectiveness<br>of the application of educational learning media in the Microteaching Course of Madrasah<br>Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education UIKA Bogor as an effort to improve basic teaching skills for<br>students. This study uses an Action Research method consisting of two cycles. The object of<br>the research object is students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education in the sixth<br>semester. From the results of the assessment of microteaching using Educative Learning<br>Media there is a significant increase in the average grade of completeness grade 93. Students<br>say that Educative Learning Media is very important to be learnt as evidenced from the<br>questionnaires distributed, 95% of the students think that Educative Learning Media can<br>facilitate teacher in explaining the material. The Learning activity is more systematical<br>through Educative learning Media. The activity is more meaningful, and microteaching is<br>more useful through Educative Learning Media, because it can teach with variety and basic<br>skill for explaining is easier to be implemented. It can be concluded that the implementation<br>of educative learning media in the subject of Microteaching in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher<br>Education UIKA Bogor is effective to be applied because it can improve the basic teaching<br>skill for students.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR FIQIH DENGAN LATIHAN DAN UMPAN BALIK DALAM PENERAPAN PEMBELAJARAN KONTEKSTUAL2018-12-07T11:34:22+07:00Juni<p>Berdasarkan hasil wawancara yang peneliti lakukan pada hari Senin, 18<br>Desember 2017 pukul 12. 37 WIB, setelah melaksanakan salat Zuhur berjamaah<br>bersama para siswa SMA Future Gate di masjid sekolah pada beberapa siswa kelas<br>X-IPS, maka didapatkan dari hasil wawancara tersebut bahwa masih rendahnya<br>partisipasi belajar siswa dan umpan balik dari guru pada pembelajaran fikih<br>terutama pada siswa kelas X IPS. Karena proses pembelajaran fikih di kelas X IPS<br>selama ini dirasakan oleh siswa cenderung membosankan dengan gaya mengajar<br>yang masih berpusat pada guru sehingga menyebabkan partisipasi siswa dalam<br>pembelajaran pun menjadi sangat kurang. Oleh karena partisipasi siswa yang<br>kurang tersebut, siswa lama-kelamaan menjadi bosan. Hal inilah menyebabkan<br>aktivitas belajar siswa rendah, kurang kreatif, dan kritis dalam proses<br>pembelajaran fikih.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) ABAD 21 DALAM KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL2018-12-07T13:11:08+07:00Siti<p>Curriculum and learning need to adjust to the development of science and technology, so<br>that graduates produced from schools can have competence. The competencies and skill<br>demanded today are 21st century skills. Thus the curriculum developed in this country must<br>also lead to 21st century skills. Equip students with 21st century skills so that they can<br>become capable and skilled global citizen. 21st century skills are capabilities that must be<br>possessed by global citizens in using reason, mind and creativity to face the 21st century<br>with all technological advances. National curriculum is a nationally applied curriculum. At<br>the present the 2013 curriculum is a national curriculum. 21st century skills in the national<br>curriculum are very clearly seen in the components and learning. Strengthening character<br>education (PPK), literacy, 4C skills developed in this curriculum.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) PAKET PEMBELAJARAN IPA UNTUK SISWA KELAS IV2018-12-07T13:13:03+07:00Umi<p>Pengembangan merupakan usaha untuk memenuhi salah satu fungsi domain Teknologi<br>Pembelajaran. Dengan pengembangan paket pembelajaran yang dihasilkan diharapkan<br>dapat membantu dan mempermudah guru atau siswa dalam melaksanakan proses<br>pembelajaran. Tujuan pengembangan ini adalah menghasilkan produk berupa paket<br>pembelajaran berupa buku yang dilengkapi dengan panduan guru maupun siswa dengan<br>menggunakan model Dick, Carey dan Carey yang dapat digunakan guru maupun siswa<br>dalam menunjang kegiatan belajar mengajar dikelas, yang di desain dengan<br>memperhatikan karakteristik siswa Sekolah Dasar dengan harapan bahan ajar yang<br>dikembangkan mampu membangkitkan motivasi sehingga siswa senang untuk belajar IPA.<br>Hasil pengembangan menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan uji para ahli, uji perorangan, uji<br>kelompok kecil, dan uji lapangan bahan ajar yang disusun yang dilengkapi dengan panduan<br>guru dan siswa dengan menggunakan model Dick and Carrey telah dapat memnuhi<br>kebutuhan siswa, walaupun terdapat beberapa hal yang perlu direvisi</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) KECERDASAN NATURALIS DAN GAYA BELAJAR SISWA TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR IPA2018-12-07T13:15:06+07:00Winayanti<p>This research is an ex-post facto experiment to find out: (1) Differences in science learning<br>outcomes between students who have Auditory (A1), Visual (A2) and kinesthetic learning<br>styles (A3), (2) Effect of Interactions between Naturalist Intelligence and Learning Style<br>towards Science Learning Outcomes (3) Naturalist intelligence can influence student<br>learning outcomes, (4) Differences in student learning outcomes with high Naturalist<br>intelligence (B1) with audiotory, visual and Kinesthetic learning styles (5) Differences in<br>student learning outcomes with low Naturalist intelligence (B2) with Auditory, Visual and<br>Kinesthetic learning styles. The method used is ex-post facto, with 3 x 2 factorial design and<br>samling random sampling and quota sampling techniques, obtained 20 sample students for<br>each learning style, so the sample size is 60 student. ANAVA calculation results, obtained<br>Fcount = 12. 767> Ftable = 3. 34 means that there are differences in science learning<br>outcomes for students who have auditory, visual and kinesthetic learning styles where<br>science learning outcomes between students who use visual learning styles are better than<br>students who use auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles. Interaction between learning<br>style with naturalist intelligence towards science learning outcomes with Fcount = 29, 644><br>Ftable = 3, 34 so it was concluded that there was an effect of interaction between learning<br>style and naturalist intelligence on science learning outcomes. There are differences in<br>science learning outcomes for students who have high naturalist intelligence with low<br>naturalist intelligence, obtained t count> t table or 4, 391> 2, 048. Learning outcomes of<br>students who have high naturalist intelligence with a visual learning style higher than<br>students with style Auditory learning with an average difference of 3. 90 and students with<br>a kinesthetic learning style with an average difference of 2. 20 so that there is an interaction<br>between learning styles and naturalist intelligence on learning outcomes of science. A1B2<br>and A3B2 groups have significant differences with sig = 0, 000 <0, 050. This shows that there<br>are significant differences between science learning outcomes of students who have low<br>naturalist intelligence and auditory learning styles, with students with kinesthetic learning<br>styles.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) PENDIDIKAN MENCERDAKAN ANAK MENURUT SUHARSONO2018-12-07T13:18:08+07:00Warsono Setiawanarjunamencaricinta379@gmail.comDidin Mansur<p>Education is an effort to pass on values that will be a helper and guide to life as well as to<br>improve the fate of human civilization. Without education, the fate of the human generation<br>will not be different from the past, and the future generations (our descendants) will not<br>different from our generation in the present, maybe even worse. RI Law Number 20 Year<br>2003 also regulates Indonesian National Education based on Pancasila with the aim of<br>developing the potential of students to become believers and fear of God Almighty, noble,<br>healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and. Democratic citizens and<br>responsible country. In reality in the field, we still find parents giving up full children's<br>education to school with the hope that their children will be smart in the smart sense of their<br>IQ without paying attention to spiritual intelligence. So that many people encounter children<br>who leave prayer, use drugs, against parents and even kill and imprison their own parents,<br>easily influenced and follow a culture that tends to be secular. With these problems,<br>researchers want to know how the pattern of education to educate children according to<br>Suharsono. In this study, researchers used qualitative types of research. Suharsono was born<br>in Jepara, Central Java, December 20, 1961. Born to a family whose biological father was<br>named Darbi. His father was an elementary school teacher in Bangsri Village, Bangsri<br>District, and his biological mother named Saudah was a farm worker. Suharsono is an<br>author who is interested in the issues of philosophy, epistemology and the study of<br>civilization and he is one of the Islamic leaders who are competent in the world of children's<br>education. Based on the results of research conducted by researchers, that the pattern of<br>education to educate children according to Suharsono, the first to play an active role is<br>parents, educating children by following the pattern of education taught by the Prophet<br>Muhammad. Educating children is not the responsibility of the teachers and educational<br>institutions, but teachers and educational institutions are only as a place that helps parents<br>in their efforts to educate children. According to Suharsono the right pattern of education is<br>to follow the pattern of education that the Prophet Muhammad did. That is three important<br>aspects that must be done so that the child becomes smart in all things, namely the first thing<br>to do is educate by introducing children to verses about the power of God. Secondly, teaching<br>the Qur'an from childhood and telling stories of Wisdom. Third is the cleansing of one's soul<br>and body from influences that can damage them.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) PUZZLE BOOK UNTUK MENSTIMULASI MOTORIK HALUS PADA BAYI DENGAN MODEL ASSURE2018-12-07T13:20:39+07:00Mar-athush<p>This research is a development research to find out how to develop a puzzle book for baby.<br>The development research uses the ASSURE model with six stages of development as follows:<br>1) Analyze infants, 2)State objectives, 3) Select methods, media and materials, 4)Utilize<br>materials, 5) Requires Learner Participation and 6) Evaluate and Revise</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA BERBASIS MULTIMEDIA INTERAKTIF DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN SOFTWARE LECTORA INSPIRE PADA MATERI PELUANG2018-12-07T13:22:36+07:00Muiz<p>This research for describe how to develop interactive multimedia using Lectora Inspire<br>Software. Lectora Inspire is an electronic learning (e-learning) development tool, also<br>known as authoring software, developed by Triviatis Corporation used to create online<br>traning courses, assessments, and presentations. This research used ‘Research and<br>Development’ method and ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and<br>Evaluation) development model. Learning media was developed through assessment<br>measure by material expert and media expert. Sample was chosen on VIII grade of 1 junior<br>high school Cibungbulang. Indicators are assessed and several aspects of visual audio,<br>literary, effect of media on learning outcomes, and material aspect. Based on the result of<br>research was taken that learning media was developed entirety fulfils some expert criteria<br>according to the an media expert. Meanwhile according to the material expert and the<br>student, this media fulfils some best criteria. Math learning media based on interactive<br>multimedia be able to use as the supporting media on student learning process.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) PEMBELAJARAN BEYOND CENTER AND CIRCLE TIME (BCCT) BERBASIS NILAI-NILAI PENDIDIKAN Q. S LUKMAN AYAT 12-19 PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI (PAUD)2018-12-07T13:24:30+07:00Rahmat<p>This research was conducted with the aim to determine the educational values of the Qur'an<br>Lukman verse 12-19. To find out the learning model of Beyond Center and Circle Time<br>(BCCT) Early Childhood Education (PAUD) at Al-Ihsan Kindergarten Islamic School based<br>on value QS Lukman education Verses 12-19. This study was conducted PAUD Al-Ihsan<br>Islamic School Bekasi Pondok Timur Mas Jalan Jingga Mas IV Blok E2 No. 24-25, RT. 05 /<br>RW. 13, Jaka Setia Bekasi Selatan Bekasi Selatan Kota Bekasi West Java. This research is<br>qualitative research, because in studying the problem, the researcher does not test<br>hypotheses that were made before the research but process data and analyze a problem nonnumerically.<br>The type of research that I use is library research and case study in the field.<br>The results of his research 1. Al-Qur'an Surah Lukman verse 12-19, there are at least three<br>values of education, namely aqidah education, shari'ah education, and character education.<br>Aqidah education includes two things: a. Prohibition of associating partners with God.<br>Lukman highly prioritizes monotheism education for his children; b. Trust the end of the day.<br>Lukman teaches his children to believe in replying for the actions done in the world. Shari’ah<br>education covers two things, namely establishing prayer and amorous nahy munkar.<br>Character education includes the command to give thanks to Allah Almighty for all His gifts,<br>to do good to both parents, not to behave arrogantly and always speak softly. 2. Beyond<br>Center and Circle Time Learning (BCCT) needs to develop the educational values contained<br>in Al-Quran Lukman verses 12-19 which are integrated into all BBCT learning, aiming to<br>develop faith and devotion to children from an early age, forming a person who has a pure<br>faith, is obedient in worship, and has noble character / manners in accordance with the<br>guidance of the Koran. Learning activities carried out are simple and fun activities for<br>students. Given that the introduction and understanding of religion is an abstract concept<br>needs to be translated into concrete play activities for children. The process of applying the<br>learning model is by structuring the play environment, stepping before playing, playing<br>activities (learning material) in which there are Al-Quran values surah Lukman verses 12-<br>19. Evaluation and success in the form of aspects of child development and indicators of the<br>success of the material.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) GAME EDUKATIF BERBASIS ANDROID SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN MEMBACA PERMULAAN UNTUK ANAK TUNARUNGU2018-12-07T13:27:12+07:00Murni<p>Tujuan artikel ini untuk memberikan gambaran tentang kemampuan membaca permulaan<br>bagi anak tunarungu di Taman Kanak-kanak dengan menggunakan media video game<br>edukatif berbasis android. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keterbatasan kemampuan<br>bahasa yang dimiliki oleh anak tunarungu akibat hambatan pendengaran yang dialami.<br>Secara karakteristik sswa tunarungu menggunakan indera visual untuk mengikuti<br>pembelajaran, khususnya membaca permulaan. Membaca permulaan anak tunarungu<br>diawali dengan proses mengidentifikasi kata melalui gambar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian<br>pendahuluan perlu dikembangkan media game edukatif untuk membantu pembelajaran<br>membaca permulaan yang dapat digunakan dimana saja dan kapan saja dengan<br>menggunakan aplikasi berbasis android. Sehingga dengan menggunakan media video game<br>edukatif ini kemampuanmembacaanak tunarungudapat meningkat dan proses<br>pembelajaran membaca permulaan lebihmenyenangkankarenadilakukansambilbermain<br>dimana saja dan kapansajadengan bimbingan guru maupun orangtua.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING KARIR DI ERA REVOLUSI INDUSTRI 4.02018-12-07T13:29:05+07:00Putri Ria<p>Bimbingan dan Konseling merupakan bagian tak terpisahkan dari proses pendidikan. Salah<br>satu bidang bimbingan dalam bimbingan dan konseling adalah karir. Salah satu layanan<br>Bimbingan dan Konseling (BK) adalah melakukan konseling serta pengoptimalkan<br>berbagai potensi peserta didik maupun mahasiswa termasuk dalam karir sesuai dengan<br>tugas perkembangannya. Adanya era revolusi industri 4.0 merupakan tantangan<br>pengoptimalan Bimbingan dan Konseling untuk menyiapkan peserta didik dan mahasiswa<br>untuk menghadapinya. Optimaslisasi Bimbingan dan Konseling karir diharapkan mampu<br>membuat peserta didik maupun mahasiswa mengidentifikasi potensi dan karir sejak dini<br>agar mampu menjalani proses pembelajaran juga karirnya dengan lebih maksimal dan<br>optimal sehingga dapat diharapkan muncul orang-orang yang tepat diposisi yang tepat<br>dalam menghadapi era revolusi industri 4.0.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) TEORETIS PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS VIDEOSCRIBE DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KRITIS DAN KREATIF PADA SISWA SMU2018-12-07T13:32:05+07:00Kurniati .kurniati.doesman@gmail.comSiti Rohayatisiti@gmail.comGun gun<p>Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi pada saat ini telah menyebabkan<br>hampir setiap orang menggunakan handpond sebagai alat komunikasi. Adanya game<br>dalam hand phone atau ponsel dapat membuat orang sampai berjam-jam menonton dan<br>memainkan game tersebut sehingga seringkali tidak peduli dengan lingkungan yang ada di<br>sekitarnya. Diperlukan suatu media pembelajaran yang dapat mengakomodasi kebiasaan<br>menonton, sehingga siswa memiliki minat kuat untuk belajar dan lebih tertarik pada materi<br>pembelajaran karena materi pembelajaran disajikan dalam bentuk yang tidak monoton.<br>Salah satu media pembelajaran yang menggunakan video adalah videoscribe. yaitu<br>software yang dapat digunakan dalam membuat desain animasi berlayar putih dengan<br>sangat mudah (secara otomatis). Software ini dikembangkan tahun 2012 oleh Sparkol<br>(Perusahaan di Inggris). Videoscribe dikembangkan dalam Adobe Flash dan menghasilkan<br>film Quicktime dan video flash. Kelebihan videoscribe adalah: dapat digunakan pendidik<br>sebagai pengantar pembelajaran; untuk presentasi pendidik maupun peserta didik;<br>menyajikan materi pembelajaran dengan menarik; memberi suasan baru dalam KBM;<br>dapat memfokuskan perhatian siswa; dan dapat diakses dimanapun selagi ada internet</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) MEDIA BELAJAR UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN KECERDASAN VISUAL SPASIAL SISWA AUTIS2018-12-07T13:34:27+07:00Zulfitria .fzulfitria@yahoo.comPratiwi<p>The development of student intelligence is seen based on the different needs of the type of<br>ability that is dominant in students. One of the important types of intelligence is spatial<br>visual intelligence, which in its learning requires proper visual stimulation. If given with<br>varied techniques to meet students' visual needs, learning will be more effective by reaching<br>out to aspects of visual spatial intelligence. Through learning using media puzzle teachers<br>can develop students' spatial visual intelligence. This research was conducted at SD Generasi<br>Rabbani-Bogor especially in grade 5 elementary school in Autistic students start March –<br>June 2018 using qualitative descriptive research methods in the form of observation,<br>interviews and documentation. Research results found that teachers using puzzles as<br>learning media for autistic students can improve visual-spatial intelligence abilities.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) METODE THE POWER OF TWO UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR BAHASA ARAB SISWA KELAS II SEKOLAH SULAM DARUL AMAN2018-12-07T13:38:16+07:00Wahidah AsshalihahWahidah.assalihah22@gmail.comSanti<p>This research was motivated by an underperformed method of learning the Arabic language<br>in second grade at sulam darul aman school. It was proof that in the process of learning the<br>Arabic language, teacher did not use interesting method in the learning process so that it is<br>generated boredom in lerners. The power of two method was performed to overcome the<br>problem. This study aimed to improve the learning outcomes of second year student of Darul<br>Aman School. This research employed classroom action reseach method which<br>wasperformed in 2 cycles. 1 cycle consists of 2 meetings. The model that employed in the<br>classroom action reseach is carr kemmi model which consist of 4 stages: planning, action<br>observation, and reflection. The subjects of this study were all of the second year students of<br>Darul Aman School with total oe 20 students consisting of 10 male and 10 female students.<br>Data collection techniques that werw employed were observations, field notes, interviews,<br>and tests. The results of this study indicating that there was an increase of Arabic language<br>learning outcome, this was proven by the increase in the average score of students. The precycle<br>results using the convensional method was 69. 00 and cycle 2 increased to 85. 05. form<br>these result, it can be concluded that the power of two method was able to improve student<br>learning outcome in the subject of Arabic language.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) KEPALA SEKOLAH DALAM PENGEMBANGAN BUDAYA ISLAMI2018-12-07T13:42:05+07:00Marhali .marhaliamar@gmail.comAbas Mansur<p>The existence of a school principal in an educational institution has a very important role in<br>developing and leading a quality educational institution. To manage educational<br>institutions with Islamic nuances, management of professional school principals is needed,<br>managed by competent, Islamic and responsible personnel, supported by Islamic<br>infrastructure as well as to become a quality and Islamic school. The purpose of this research<br>is to describe and analyze the management of the principal in the development of Islamic<br>culture at Insantama IT Junior High School, Bogor City, describes and analyzes the<br>management of the principal in the development of Islamic culture in Al Madinah IT Junior<br>High School, Bogor District, describes and analyzes the similarities and differences in<br>management of principals in the development of Islamic culture at Insantama City IT Middle<br>School Bogor and IT Al Madinah Middle School Bogor Regency, and describe the<br>management of the principal in the development of Islamic culture in Islamic Middle School.<br>This study uses a qualitative approach. Data collection methods used by researchers include:<br>observation, documentation, interviews. The data collected from the three methods of data<br>collection can be analyzed by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The<br>results showed that the management of the principal in the development of Islamic culture<br>at Insantama IT Junior High School in Bogor City had done all aspects of management well<br>and consistently, the management of the principal in the development of Islamic culture in<br>Al Madinah IT Middle School Bogor Regency had done all aspects of management well and<br>consistently , the similarities and differences in the management of the principal in the<br>development of Islamic culture between the Insantama IT City of Bogor City and Al Madinah<br>IT Middle School in Bogor Regency, have not much difference in Islamic culture only in the<br>implementation, and the management of the principal in the development of Islamic culture<br>in Islamic Middle Schools that the head school as the main factor in the formation, direction<br>and development of a school into an Islamic school and must have spiritual emotional<br>maturity and a view of life imbued by the teachings and values of Islam (tsaqofah islamiyah)<br>and full of exemplary leadership (uswatun ha sanah) to create the next generation of<br>Muslims and ilmiyah, amaliyah and istiqomah in worship.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) KOMPETENSI PROFESIONAL GURU DENGAN PELAKSANAAN EVALUASI PEMBELAJARAN2018-12-07T13:44:00+07:00Oom<p>Teacher professional competence is the ability, expertise and skills that must be possessed<br>by the teacher in carrying out the learning process which includes: mastering scientific<br>substance related to the field of study, mastering the structure and method of science, and<br>mastering the foundation of education. In terms of evaluating, a teacher is said to be<br>competent if he understands evaluation techniques and procedures, and is able to carry out<br>evaluations so that the evaluation results are used to improve the teaching and learning<br>process. The evaluation starts from evaluation planning, preparation of test questions,<br>processing and analyzing test results to interpreting and following up on evaluation results</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) PENDIDIKAN TAHFIDZUL QUR’AN DI PONDOK PESANTREN ULUMUL QUR’AN BOJONGSARI DEPOK2018-12-07T13:45:47+07:00Basri M.<p>Al-Qur'an as one of the foundations basis for theories of Islamic education, since the<br>beginning of the Islamic struggle in Indonesia various Islamic boarding schools, madrasah,<br>and Islamic school have positioned Al-Qur'an as one of the important material taught by<br>memorization Tradition (tahfidzul qur'an). The Qur'an has long been carried out in various<br>regions of the archipelago. Currently, not onlyTafidzul Qur'an boarding school that focuses<br>on memorizing Al-Qur'an for its students, but also the spirit of honoring the Qur'an today<br>has grown rapidly in Modern Islamic boarding schools. This research was conducted at<br>Ulumul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School using field research methods with a qualitative<br>descriptive approach. From this research some conclusions were found, Tafidzul Qur'an<br>learning program was made formal education with classical systems in KMI-PPUQ with the<br>method of cheating (shorogan) in front of the class. To improve the memorization of Al-<br>Qur'an's students, PPUQ conducts weekly evaluations and monthly evaluations.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) PENDIDIKAN AKHLAK DI TINGKAT SEKOLAH DASAR2018-12-07T13:47:23+07:00Nita<p>Metode Pendidikan Akhlak akan berhasil jika di gunakan dengan tepat, dengan metode<br>yang tepat, sehingga dapat merubah akhlak itu sendiri kearah yang lebih baik untuk<br>mencapai perubahan menjadi berakhlakul kharimah.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) KELAS BERBASIS NILAI-NILAI ISLAM TINGKAT SMP2018-12-07T13:50:28+07:00Roidatul Khabibahroidakhabibah@gmail.comIbdalsyah<p>The education world has always been the subject of public discussion, including of learning<br>management. Learning as a success milestone has a container called class. Unfortunately,<br>Class and its management are little elements of education that are often overlooked. Even<br>though this small element can have a big impact if managed properly. The intended<br>management must certainly be in line with the institution's educational goals. In this case,<br>the researcher took pesantren-based schools as the object of research. In pesantren-based<br>schools, students who are also santri have a dual learning burden. The excess supply of<br>energy and thought caused by the tight schedule of schools and pesantren. So that, it is<br>common in learning activity for teachers to find students often sleepy and bored in class.<br>Thus, it is necessary to have scientific research on class management based on Islāmic values<br>as a solution to this problem. This type of research is Field Research with descriptive-analytic<br>methods. The object of this research is three schools of tahfidz Al-Qur'an, namely SMPIT<br>Qur'an of El Tahfidh, SMP Baitul Qur'anic, and MTs Tahfidz Al Kaukab. The results showed<br>that classroom management in three Tahfidz Al-Qur'an Schools had seen from the two main<br>components, that are management of classrooms and management of students had not gone<br>well. Classroom management only meets the requirements in the storage area, ventilation<br>and lighting arrangement. For management of students, it has run well, only lacking in the<br>emotional graph. Going from classroom management theory, then based on the foundation<br>and findings of the field can produced class management based on Islāmic values, which<br>expected be a reference for class management in pesantren-based schools, especially the<br>Tahfidz Al-Qur'an School in junior high schools.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MTS DARUL MUTTAQIEN DALAM MERESPON MODERNISASI2018-12-07T13:53:32+07:00Wendi WicaksonoWendiwicaksono01@gmail.comA. Rahmat Hayyie al<p>Modernism has brought some big impacts, one of the most basic is movement of culture. East<br>culture like well manner, good attitude, and moral have been decreasing by western culture<br>that more secular. This changes become a responsible for everyone, in which the particular<br>thing is Islamic education. Islamic education has a big role to build moral, attitude and<br>religion. This research uses qualitative method. The type of research that is used is field<br>research. Collecting data in this studying uses the interview technique, observation and<br>documentation. Analysing technique which used is Miles and Muberman technique, the<br>process begin with data reduction, data display and verification. The result of this research<br>is about some education concept in MTs Darrul Muttaqien which is designed an applied<br>proportionally. The components are including Vision and Mission, curriculum, method,<br>teacher, student, facilities, and budgeting.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) PENGEMBANGAN KEMATANGAN SPIRITUAL ANAK USIA DINI BERBASIS BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING ISLAM2018-12-07T13:56:40+07:00Kumala Saripatutkumala@gmail.comImas Kania<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan sebuah kurikulum pengembangan kematangan<br>spiritual anak usia dini berbasis bimbingan dan konseling Islam. Penelitian ini<br>menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif lapangan. Sumber datanya adalah data primer dan<br>data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu focus group discussion,<br>dengan studi dokumenter, wawancara, dan observasi. Sedangkan hasil penelitian adalah:<br>Pertama, bahwa kurikulum yang diaplikasikan pada Raudlatul Athfal Mutiara Bunda<br>adalah kurikulum Peraturan Pemerintah Tentang Kurikulum 2013 yang disesuaikan<br>dengan situasi dan kondisi lingkungan, serta kurikulum Kementerian Agama tahun 2016.<br>Kedua, Bimbingan dan konseling Islami dalam upaya mengembangkan spiritual anak usia<br>dini ialah membantu individu dengan berbentuk pemberian dorongan dan pendampingan<br>dalam belajar untuk mengembangkan potensi diri dengan harapan segala potensi yang<br>dikaruniakan oleh Allah bisa berkembang secara optimal. Ketiga, Adapun kurikulum<br>pengembangan kematangan spiritual anak usia dini berbasis bimbingan dan konseling<br>Islam adalah kurikulum yang mengandung ajaran-ajaran pendidikan Islam yang meliputi<br>dimensi rububiyah, muamalah, dan individu sosial dalam penghayatan dan pengalaman.<br>Kurikulum ini juga hanya bersifat penyisipan nilai-nilai agama pada kurikulum yang sudah<br>ada sebelumnya.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) ANDRAGOGI PESANTREN ENTREPRENEUR: PENGEMBANGAN KURIKULUM PESANTREN MAHASISWA2018-12-07T13:59:49+07:00Ahmad Habiburrohimahmadelfahri@gmail.comHendri<p>Penelitian ini adalah penelitian komprasi antara Pesantren Mukmin Mandiri Sidoarjo dan<br>Pesantren KEPQ Nurul Hayat Surabaya. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif<br>deskriptif dengan field research, tujuannya adalah untuk membuktikan secara empiris<br>kemudian mengembangkan konsep dan implementasi pendidikan pesantren dalam<br>kaitannya dunia entrepreneur bagi mahasiswa. Melalui pendekatan konsep kurikulum yang<br>didasarkan pada pesantren, aspek andragogi, aspek entrepreneur, dan aspek mahasiswa,<br>penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pendidikan pesantren entrepreneur dapat<br>dikembangkan dengan mempertegas kurikulum pada 3 (tiga) dimensi, yaitu kesadaran,<br>keterampilan dan penilaian diri; serta memperhatikan aspek andragogi dengan<br>memodifikasi kurikulum melalui pembagian fokus tahun; pemberian lapangan pekerjaan<br>paruh waktu dan pemberian materi-praktik dengan perbandingan 30%:70%.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) LABORATORIUM ICT SEBAGAI SUMBER BELAJAR OLEH MAHASISWA DI SAMPOERNA SCHOOL OF EDUCATION2018-12-07T14:43:36+07:00Afif Ahmad<p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan pemanfaatan laboratorium ICT sebagai<br>sumber belajar oleh mahasiswa di Sampoerna School of Education Jakarta, sehingga dapat<br>dijadikan informasi dan sumber belajar bagi mahasiswa agar pembelajaran lebih efektif.<br>Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kampus Sampoerna School of Education dan waktu yang<br>digunakan dalam penyusunan hingga pelaporan skripsi ini adalah Oktober 2010-April<br>2011. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode survey<br>yang bertujuan untuk mendapat informasi mengenai status gejala pada saat penelitian<br>dilakukan, menggambarkan apa adanya tentang suatu gejala atau keadaan. Pengumpulan<br>data utama dilakukan dengan teknik penyebaran angket. Sedangkan pengumpulan data<br>penunjang dilakukan dengan wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukna<br>secara umum mahasiswa SSE telah memanfaatkan laboratorium ICT sebagai mesin dan<br>teknologi, tutor, pengubah perilaku, semangat belajar dan memecahkan masalah belajar<br>meskipun belum seluruhnya karena ada mahasiswa yang menjawab jarang. Pemafaatan<br>laboratorium ICT sebagai sumber belajar harus ditingkatkan lagi agar dapat membantu<br>mahasiswa belajar sehingga mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang telah ditetapkan.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) PENDIDIKAN DALAM MEMBANGUN KOMPETENSI GURU2018-12-07T14:46:57+07:00An An Siti Farihahansifa.achmad@gmail.comUlil Amri Abdul<p>The reseach is (1) To find out the educational management of building teacher’s competency<br>in SMP IT At-Taufiq; (2) To find out the educational management of building teacher’s<br>competency in SMP IT Kaifa; (3) To find out the educational management of building<br>teacher’s competency management in SMP IT. The result are (1) Educational management<br>in SMP IT At-Taufiq was done by human resourse potency (SDM) on that place by noticing<br>the teacher’s need, as a follow up to recruitment selection, coaching, development, ends to<br>drop out the teachers. All the process well done in educational management and they must<br>be done well in order to get a major drawback in educational course minimum; (2)<br>educational management in SMP IT Kaifa is done by human resource potency (SDM) as a<br>committee of new teacher selection in SMP IT Kaifa by noticing the teacher’s need based on<br>a simple analytical and input from the teacher’s related to the teacher’s need so as a follow<br>up by human resources potency (SDM) to do the teacher’s recruitment; (3) Educational<br>management in Islamic integrated school can’t be separated from nuances characteristics<br>of Islamic. Based on explanation above, it can be conclude that a good educational<br>management would produce tha teachers whom are competences. It proves that from the<br>result of subject teacher’s performance evaluation were done to all the subject teacher’s in<br>SMP IT At-Taufiq and SMP IT Kaifa. It shows the educational management urgent in building<br>the teacher’s competency. It stresses that the more educational management well done, it<br>produced the teacher’s competency get better. It must be given the appreciation as a big<br>achievement is improving the quality of young generation</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) FIRAUN DAN ANTISIPASINYA DENGAN CARA PENGUATAN AKIDAH DI DALAM KURIKULUM SEKOLAH2018-12-07T14:49:09+07:00Andi Noor Fitrah<p>Firaun merupakan sosok fenomenal yang kisahnya banyak termuat di dalam Al-Quran.<br>Firaun terkenal dengan karater buruknya yang penuh dengan kekejaman dan kezhaliman<br>lainnya. Tapi kezhaliman terbesar yang dilakukannya adalah kesombongan yang teramat<br>besar yang membuat dirinya berani mengikrarkan diri sebagai tuhan yang maha tinggi (Q.<br>S An-Naziat: 24). Artikel ini membahasa tentang karakter kesombongan dan kekufuran<br>Firaun dan pentingnya mengantisipasi munculnya karakter buruk tersebut dengan cara<br>selalu menguatkan akidah dan keimanan anak-anak di setiap kurikulum sekolah. Cara-cara<br>penguatan akidah di dalam kurikulum sekolah dapat dilakukan dengan cara memasukkan<br>pesan-pesan keimanan kepada Allah dan ketundukan kepadaNya disetiap kegiatan sekolah<br>baik dalam kelas ketika berlangsungnya pelajaran maupun ketika kegiatan ekstra<br>kurikuler.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) TELEGRAM MESSENGER PADA PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS BLENDED LEARNING DI SMK GEO INFORMATIKA2018-12-07T14:51:42+07:00Bambang<p>Revolusi Industri 4.0 memberikan dampak yang sangat besar terhadap perkembangan<br>teknologi khususnya Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK). Sebagai pendidik kita<br>harus lebih kreatif dalam memanfaatkan TIK dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Tulisan ini<br>bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pemanfaatan TIK khususnya aplikasi yang sudah<br>tersedia yaitu telegram messenger untuk dimanfaatkan pada pembelajaran berbasis<br>blended learning. Penarikan kesimpulan berdasarkan analisis teori-teori pembelajaran dan<br>temuan data yang di peroleh melalui kegiatan pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan di SMK<br>Geo Informatika</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) MEDIA BELAJAR BERBASIS INTERNET DALAM MENINGKATAN MUTU MENGAJAR GURU BAHASA INGGRIS2018-12-07T14:53:31+07:00Enni Erawati<p>Today's teachers are spoiled by a variety of interesting internet-based teaching media. Some<br>of them are: Quipper, Padlet, Edmodo and so on. The ease of accessing information is also a<br>supporting element in improving the quality of teacher teaching, especially learning English<br>in schools. Most of languageinstructions are in English, so that students and teachers have<br>learned English indirectly through these learning applications. This study aims to determine<br>the role of internet-based media in improving the quality of teaching English teachers in<br>schools. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The object of this study is the senior<br>high school teacher who has used several internet-based media in his teaching and learning<br>process. The results showed that the quality of teaching English teachers increased as seen<br>from the increasing students' understanding of English. It is not only improving students'<br>understanding but also their motivation and interest in learning English. This is caused by<br>several factors, (1) the attractiveness of internet-based learning media because it is<br>supported by video, audio, images, interesting text and (2) the easinessto access the media<br>anytime and anywhere. However, obstacles are also faced by teachers such as, (1) limited<br>internet quota and (2) not all students have smart phones so that the learning process using<br>internet-based media is not quite optimal.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) ANTARA MINAT BELAJAR SISWA DAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS SISWA KELAS V SD NEGERI CIBULUH 6 KOTA BOGOR2018-12-07T14:55:40+07:00Dita<p>This study aims to determine and test the theory of the relationship between student<br>learning interest and student learning motivation towards students' English learning<br>outcomes at SD Negeri Cibuluh 6 Bogor. The problem in this study was formulated as follows:<br>(1) The relationship between students' interest in learning and English learning outcomes<br>of fifth grade students of SD Negeri Cibuluh 6 Kota Bogor; (2) the relationship between<br>student learning motivation and English learning outcomes of fifth grade students of<br>Cibuluh 6 Elementary School in Bogor and (3) the relationship between student learning<br>interest and students' learning motivation together on the results of English learning in<br>grade V Cibuluh 6. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive method with<br>correlational analysis. This research was conducted at SD Negeri Cibuluh 6, Bogor City for a<br>total population of 445 people and a sample of 75 people, taken by purposive sample. Data<br>analysis used is simple and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study prove that:<br>(1) there is a significant relationship between students 'interest in learning and English<br>learning outcomes with a correlation coefficient of 0. 403 and a coefficient of determination<br>of 16. 20%, (2) there is a significant relationship between students' learning motivation and<br>language learning outcomes English students with a correlation of 0. 525 and a coefficient<br>of determination of 27. 60%, (3) there is a significant relationship between student learning<br>interest and student learning motivation together with the results of learning English<br>students in SD Negeri Cibuluh 6 Bogor City with a value the correlation coefficient is 0. 539<br>and the coefficient of determination is 27. 10%</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) PEMBELAJARAN PENGEMBANGAN KEMAMPUAN PENULISAN KARYA ILMIAH BAGI MAHASISWA UNIVERSITAS IBN KHALDUN2018-12-07T14:58:39+07:00Endin<p>Salah satu kelemahan pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia adalah rendahnya publikasi karya<br>ilmiah mahasiswa. Salah penyebabnya adalah lemahnya budaya membaca dan menulis.<br>Dibandingkan dengan negara di Asia Tenggara lainnya, budaya membaca dan menulis<br>bangsa Indonesia terbilang sangat rendah. Jika kondisi ini terjadi pada mahasiswa maka<br>pemimpin masa yang akan datang akan memiliki kualitas yang rendah. Oleh karena itu,<br>diperlukan upaya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menghasilkan karya ilmiah bagi<br>mahasiswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk merumuskan pembelajaran pengembangan<br>kemampuan penulisan karya ilmiah bagi mahasiswa, meliputi: (1) tujuan pembelajaran,<br>(2) materi bahan ajar, (3) metode dan teknik pembelajaran, (4) media pembelajaran, dan<br>(5) evaluasi pembelajaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah<br>research and development. Pemilihan metode ini dilakukan untuk mencari formulasi<br>terbaik dalam penyusunan model pembelajaran pengembangan kemampuan penulisan<br>karya ilmiah bagi mahasiswa. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan fakta bahwa publikasi<br>lulusan UIKA Bogor pada jurnal ilmiah masih sangat rendah. Hal ini disebabkan oleh<br>kekurangtahuan mereka tentang kewajiban publikasi ilmiah, regulasi lembaga yang<br>belum mengatur secara tegas kewajiban publikasi bagi lulusan dan dorongan dosen<br>pembimbing yang masih lemah. Sebelum penelitian dilakukan, publikasi lulusan UIKA<br>Bogor pada jurnal ilmiah masih sangat rendah. Akan tetapi, dengan berbagai pendekatan<br>dan pembuatan kebijakan, akhirnya dari bualn ke bulan, publikasi ilmiah UIKA Bogor<br>semakin meningkat. Dengan demikain, peningkatan kemampuan menulis karya ilmiah<br>bagi calon lulusan dan dosen serta regulasi yang tegas dapat meningkatkan publikasi<br>karya ilmiah bagi mahasiswa. Berdasarkan kesimpulan tersebut maka disarankan agar<br>semua perguruan tinggi memiliki regulasi yang tegas tentang kewajiban publikasi bagi<br>mahasiswa.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) SILABUS BAHAN AJAR SAINS DI SEKOLAH DASAR2018-12-07T15:01:07+07:00Tuesty<p>The world of education in the country is currently experiencing dynamics of change with<br>the demands of the globalization era. Education which has specific meaning here<br>namely school. Schools are formal education institutions that shape the progress of human<br>civilization, most notably within the domain of family, work, state and religious<br>institutions. Elementary School (SD) is part of basic education. Among the National<br>Standards of education consists of standards of content, processes, graduate competencies,<br>which are used as a reference for curriculum development. To add a more comprehensive<br>and global curriculum and in order to meet the demands of the globalization era, currently</p> <p>many school institutions that implement the national curriculum also adopt an<br>international curriculum, one of them is the Cambridge curriculum which existence is<br>adapted to applicable government regulations. The most basic problem in adopting an<br>international curriculum is the ideological foundation of education used, namely the<br>Western worldview. In this worldview, trust in the existence of God is not too much attention.<br>This worldview assumes that humans can know nature simply by relying on their senses and<br>trusting their intellect and senses. This is where a concept of Islamization knowledge<br>integration is needed so that the ideological foundation used becomes an Islamic worldview.<br>The concept used in this research is the Islamization Knowledge Concept of al-Faruqi, as<br>one of the pioneers of Modern Islamization Knowledge in the late 20th century. This paper<br>is the result of qualitative field research using grounded methods and a purposive<br>technique. The data collection methods used are: in-depth interviews, documentation<br>observations and analysis. The analytical methods used are: data analysis, classification<br>and interpretation. This study presents the concept and steps of Islamization knowledge by<br>al-Faruqi, al-Faruqi’s model for integration of Islamic knowledge into Cambridge Science<br>Syllabus from grades 1-6, along with an analysis of the syllabus through Focus Group<br>Discussion (FGD), which was conducted at the research site involving elementary school<br>teachers from Bina Insani’s International Program as the participants.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) PENYELENGGARAAN PELATIHAN KEPEMIMPINAN TK IV TERHADAP KINERJA APARATUR PERHUBUNGAN2018-12-07T15:03:02+07:00Yanuar<p>Leadership training is intended for officials or officials-to-be who will sit the IV echelon<br>structural position which is intended to form the figure of the leader of the bureaucracy that<br>has a high ability in planning and leading the implementation of the agency's program. The<br>aim of this study is to find out the answer on the effectiveness of the implementation of the<br>Leadership IV grade on the performance of the transport apparatus. The location of this<br>research is at The Center of Development for Transport Human Resources. The technique of<br>collecting data uses questionnaires conducted on all participants / alumni of Leadership<br>Training of IV grade in 81-82 batch numbered 58 respondents. From the distribution of the<br>questionnaires, 53 questionnaires were returned and 5 questionnaire did not return. The<br>questionnaires analyzed in this study amounted to 53 questionnaires. The research method<br>used in this research is descriptive quantitative method. Based on research that has been<br>done can be concluded that the effectiveness of the implementation of leadership training IV<br>garde on the performance of the transport apparatus to get an average of 88,5 % and be on<br>effective criteria. It can be concluded that the implementation of Leadership Training IV<br>grade effectively influence the performance of the transport apparatus.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) METODE PEMBELAJARAN KOORPORATIF DAN MINAT BELAJAR TERHADAP PRESTASI BELAJAR PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM PADA KELAS E-LEARNING MAHASISWA UNIVERSITAS MERCU BUANA JAKARTA2018-12-07T15:05:46+07:00Saepudin .sae@gmail.comIka<p>This study aims to examine and determine the effect of cooperative learning methods and<br>learning interest on Islamic education learning achievements of E-learning class students of<br>Jakarta Mercu Buana University. The hypotheses tested were: (1) there was the effect of<br>cooperative learning methods on Islamic religious education learning achievement class E<br>learning at Jakarta Mercu Buana University , (2) there was the effect of learning interest on<br>Islamic religious education learning achievement of class E learning Jakarta Mercu Buana<br>University and (3 ) there is the influence of cooperative learning methods and learning<br>interest towards the Islamic religious education learning achievement of class E learning at<br>Jakarta Mercu Buana University. The research method uses the Facto Expo method by<br>conducting a survey to the field. The study sample consisted of 40 students, the sampling<br>technique used cluster random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using correlation<br>and regression techniques. Questionnaire of cooperative learning methods, learning interest<br>, and Islamic religious education learning achievement was validated with the product<br>moment correlation formula, while reliability was measured by the Alpha Cronbach<br>formula. From the results of the study it was found that: (1) there was the effect of<br>cooperative learning methods to Islamic religious education learning achievement in Elearning<br>class at Jakarta Mercu Buana University. (2) there is the effect of learning interest<br>on the Islamic religious education learning achievement in the E-learning class of Jakarta<br>Mercu Buana University students. and (3) there are the effect of cooperative learning<br>methods and learning interest on Islamic education learning achievement in E-learning<br>class at Jakarta Mercu Buana University students.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) LEARNING MODEL NUMBER HEAD TOGETHER AND COOPERATIVE SCRIPT ON LEARNING OUTCOMES HISTORY IN CLASS X ACCOUNTING SMK NEGERI 1 BOJONGGEDE BOGOR REGENCY2018-12-07T15:08:53+07:00Sukamto .sukamto@gmail.comZainal Abidin<p>This study is an experimental research with the aim to analyze empirically about 1)<br>Differences in historical learning outcomes for a group of students taught by using Model<br>Head Head Together (NHT) and using Cooperative Script learning model, 2) Influence of<br>interaction between learning model with activity students, 3) Differences in the results of<br>history lessons for students taught by Model Head Head Together (NHT) and Cooperative<br>Scripts for high-activity students, and 4) Differences in historical lesson results for students<br>taught by model Head Head Together (NHT) and Cooperative Script for groups of students<br>who have low activity. The problems in this study are formulated as follows: 1) Is there a<br>difference in historical learning outcomes for a group of students taught by using the Head<br>Together learning model (NHT) and using Cooperative Script learning model ?; 2) Is there<br>an interaction effect between learning model and student activity ?; 3) Is there a difference<br>in the results of the history lesson for the students taught by the Model Head Head Together<br>(NHT) and Cooperative Script for the group of students who have high activity ?, and 4) Is<br>there any difference in the result of the history lesson for the students taught by model Head<br>Head Together (NHT) and Cooperative Script for groups of students who have low activity?<br>This research uses survey method with experimental correlational approach with dependent<br>variable (result), independent variable of treatment and attribute variable. The sample of<br>this research as many as 48 students determined by census sampling technique. The data<br>analysis technique in this study is an inferential analysis of two path ANAVA to test the<br>hypothesis followed by Tukey or Scheffe test. Before testing the hypothesis needs to be tested<br>data analysis requirements in the form of normality test and homogeneity of data groups to<br>be compared. The result of research known that there is influence of interaction between<br>model of learning with activity learners to result of learning history in Class X Accounting<br>SMK Negeri 1 Bojonggede Bogor Regency.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN BLENDED LEARNING DAN STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN EKSPOSITORI SERTA MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS2018-12-07T15:11:38+07:00Fahmi Awaludinfahmiawaludi83@gmail.comZainal Abidin<p>Penelitian ini untuk menguji perbedaan hasil belajar Bahasa Inggris siswa yang<br>dibelajarkan dengan strategi pembelajaran Blended Learning dan Ekspositori, perbedaan<br>hasil belajar terhadap siswa bermotivasi belajar tinggi dan rendah, dan pengaruh interaksi<br>antara penggunaan strategi pembelajaran dengan motivasi belajar. Metode yang<br>digunakan dalam penelitian ini metode eskperimen rancangan factorial 2x2. Sampel terdiri<br>dari 2 kelas, 1 kelas eksperimen yaitu kelas 5B berjumlah 23 siswa dengan metode blended<br>learning dan kelas 5A berjumlah 23 dengan metode ekspositori. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk<br>mengetahui pengaruh strategi belajar serta interaksinya untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar<br>dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,38. Ketepatan dalam memilih strategi belajar<br>didapatkan dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,49 yakni pemilihan strategi blended learning<br>pada siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar rendah. Berdasarkan perhitungan data hasil tes,<br>diperoleh rata-rata hasil belajar siswa yang mengikuti strategi pembelajaran blended<br>learning sebesar 79,3, sedangkan metode ekspositori sebesar 73,8. Hasil tersebut<br>menunjukan bahwa hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan strategi pembelajaran blended<br>learning lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan ekspositori dengan selisih nilai rata-rata sebesar<br>5,5, hasil perhitungan analisis varian didapatkan hasil nilai Fhitung>Ftabel atau 4,596>3,199,<br>dan nilai signifikasi pada baris “metode*motivasi” sebesar 0,038 yang berarti menolak H0<br>dan menerima H1, sehingga terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dan<br>motivasi belajar siswa terhadap hasil belajar Bahasa Inggris. Nilai t Tabel dengan nilai df<br>23-2=21 pada signifikansi 0,05 sebesar 2,07961. Karena t hitung> dari t tabel atau<br>2,256>2,07961 dan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,03<0,05, disimpulkan bahwa terdapat<br>perbedaan hasi belajar Bahasa Inggris pada siswa kelas 5 yang dibelajarkan dengan<br>strategi pembelajaran blended learning dan ekspositori pada siswa yang memiliki motivasi<br>tinggi, dan hasil perhitungan pada variabel independen motivasi belajar sebesar 0,49<0,05<br>artinya terdapat perbedaan secara siginifikan mengenai hasil belajar siswa yang<br>menggunakan strategi belajar ekspositori dan blended learning dengan motivasi belajar<br>yang rendah, artinya hasil belajar Bahasa Inggris siswa yang menggunakan metode<br>pembelajaran blended learning baik untuk diterapkan pada kelompok siswa yang memiliki<br>motivasi belajar tinggi. Kata kunci: blended learning, ekspositori, motivasi, hasil belajar,<br>strategi pembelajaran.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) BAHAN AJAR COMPUTER ASSISTED INSTRUCTION (CAI) PADA MATA PELAJARAN IPA SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA (SMP) POKOK BAHASAN ORGANISASI KEHIDUPAN2018-12-07T15:13:48+07:00Septy<p>Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh sulitnya siswa dalam memahami pokok bahasan<br>organisasi kehidupan sedangkan media pembelajaran yang mendukung terbatas sehingga<br>dibutuhkan bahan ajar yang efektif dan efisien. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk<br>mendeskripsikan: 1) Tahapan pengembangan bahan ajar CAI pada Mata Pelajaran IPA<br>Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Pokok Bahasan Organisasi Kehidupan; dan 4) Kelayakan<br>bahan ajar CAI pada Mata Pelajaran IPA Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Pokok Bahasan<br>Organisasi Kehidupan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu<br>research and development (R & D) dengan menggunakan ADDIE. Model pengembangan<br>ADDIE yang terdiri dari 5 langkah meliputi analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi,<br>dan evaluasi. Secara keseluruhan persentase kelayakan bahan pembelajaran CAI<br>Organisasi Kehidupan sebesar 94,01%. Selain itu, berdasarkan tes hasil belajar setelah<br>pelaksanaan pembelajaran menggunakan bahan pembelajaran CAI diperoleh data bahwa<br>sebanyak 100% siswa memperoleh skor kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM) sebesar 75.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) MEDIA INTERAKTIF PEMBELAJARAN INTEGRASI NASIONAL2018-12-07T15:16:10+07:00Mohammad Muhyidin<p>Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya kejadian disintegrasi nasional sebagai<br>ancaman terhadap keamanan bangsa Indonesia sebagai bangsa yang majemuk. Siswa<br>sebagai generasi penerus bangsa adalah agen integrasi nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan<br>untuk merancang media interaktif untuk mempelajari integrasi nasional. Metode penelitian<br>yang digunakan adalah metode Research and Development (R & D) menggunakan model<br>pengembangan ADDIE tetapi hanya mencakup tahap analisis kebutuhan, desain prototipe,<br>dan pengembangan. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa desain prototipe media pembelajaran<br>integrasi nasional.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) TEORI MENGENAI MULTIMEDIA INTERAKTIF POWER POINT BERBASIS KONTEKS DAN PEMAHAMAN MATEMATIS2018-12-07T15:18:36+07:00Kurniati .kurniati.doesman@gmail.comDian Cristiati<p>Tulisan ini memuat kajian teori mengenai multimedia interaktif power point pada taman<br>kanak-kanak. Multimedia interaktif ini adalah multimedia yang dapat dijadikan sarana<br>untuk menyampaikan materi pengenalan matematika.. Dibangunnya multimedia interaktif<br>power point ini karena belum adanya media pembelajaran untuk siswa dalam pengenalan<br>angka dan bentuk geometri, adapun pembuatan multimedia interaktif ini menggunakan<br>Power Point . Pembangunan multimedia interaktif Power Point digunakan dengan desain<br>animasi. Dengan adanya multimedia interaktif power point berbasis konteks dapat<br>meningkatkan pemahaman matematis siswa semangat belajar murid, meningkatkan<br>keinginan lebih dalam mempelajari pengenalan angka dan bentuk geometri. Diharapkan<br>juga dapat membantu guru dalam proses dan situasi belajar di taman kanak-kanak.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) KEBIASAAN BELAJAR DAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR DENGAN HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA PESERTA DIDIK KELAS III SD NEGERI SUKADAMAI 3 BOGOR2018-12-07T15:20:53+07:00Endang Budi<p>This research studies on the correlation learning habits dam learning motivation with the<br>learning result of learning of third grade students of SD Negeri Sukadamai 3 bogor. The<br>issues are taken resarch are : (1) The corrrelation learning habits with learning science<br>result, (2) The correlation learning habbits wirh learning science result, and (3) The<br>correlation learning habits dan learning motivation and the sama time time with the result<br>studying science. This reseach uses a simple tregression analysis and multiple regression.<br>This analysis is used determine the correlation learning habits and learning motivation as<br>an independent variable and science learning result as an independent variable and science<br>learning result as dependent variable either individually of group. Number of sample are<br>taken 28 respondents with a simple random, sampling technique and the use of<br>questionnaires and tests to obtain data on learning result. The result of the research is<br>showing that the habits of learning has correlation with the learning result of learning<br>science in SD Negeri Sukadamai 3 as proved by the result of the t test 4,807 is higher than t<br>table (2,057) and has influence 47,1%. Motivation of learning has correlation with the result<br>of learning science the proved by the result of t test 3,051 is higher than t table (2,057) and<br>has influence 26,4%. Whereas the habits of learning and the motivation of learning has the<br>same direction correlation with the result of learning science which proved by the F test<br>result 12,645 > 3,370 and the signifinace score 0,0000 < 0,05 also has influence 50,3%. So<br>there is significant correlation between the habits and Motivation with the learning result<br>of learning of third grade students of SD Negeri Sukadamai 3 Bogor. That’s why it’ suggested<br>to all teachers to be always giving more attention to all their students to bulit a good<br>learning habist and increase the students motivation in learning, so they can get good result<br>of learning by competences.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS TEKNOLOGI AUGMENTED REALITY UNTUK PESERTA DIDIK BERKESULITAN BELAJAR SPESIFIK2018-12-07T15:51:09+07:00Rina Arsanti<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran IPA yang relevan<br>sesuai kebutuhan peserta didik berkesulitan belajar spesifik kelas 5 Sekolah Dasar. untuk<br>mengetahui kelayakan serta efektivitas media pembelajaran IPA tentang sistem peredaran<br>darah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian dan<br>pengembangan (Research and Development) dengan menggunakan desain pembelajaran<br>model ASSURE. Kelayakan produk media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan ditentukan<br>berdasarkan hasil validitas uji ahli materi, ahli desain pembelajaran, dan ahli medi.<br>Berdasarkan uji validitas tersebut diperoleh hasil dengan rata-rata prosentase hasil uji ahli<br>media 92,67% yang berarti masuk ke dalam kriteria sangat layak untuk digunakan.<br>Sementara skor tanggapan siswa terhadap media adalah 93% yang masuk ke dalam<br>kriteria sangat layak. Dalam uji efektifitas one on one diperoleh hasil dengan kriteria “baik”<br>dengan rata-rata presentase sebesar 83,33%. Jumlah ini berada pada rentang 76% - 85%.<br>Dengan demikian, media ini dinyatakan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran IPA dan<br>secara umum media pembelajaran IPA berbasis teknologi augmented reality ini dapat diuji<br>lapang dalam skala kelas yang lebih besar lagi.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) KEAKTIFAN DALAM EKSTRAKURIKULER PRAMUKA TERHADAP AKHLAK SISWA DI SMP ISLAM HM. ASMAN2018-12-07T15:53:27+07:00Fauzi MarzukiCacad.fauzi@gmail.comSanti<p>Extracurricular activities provide benefits in learning for students to discipline and morals<br>students. Initially, these educational programs were conducted under activities and<br>activities that were performed as monotonous activities and learned only that. This very<br>important educational difficulties can greatly assist students in developing student potential<br>that is in harmony with the values embodied in Dasa Dharma Pramuka. Student morals in<br>this adult also happened slump from less caring students to nature, to others even to himself.<br>In this study the purpose to know the liveliness in extracurricular scouts, liveliness in<br>extracurricular scout against morals students in SMP islam HM.ASMAN. The purpose of this<br>study to know the extracurricular activities of Boy Scouts, and to determine the relationship<br>of activity in extracurricular scout against morals students. The research method used is<br>quantitative research that uses many numbers, collected data techniques, interviews and<br>questionnaires. So the analysis of data in use is the frequency, validity test, product moment<br>and reliability. The level of influence between the two variables is in the strong category,<br>that is 0.852. Coefficient of Determination (R Square) is 0.724. Contribution of liveliness:<br>Extracurricular Scout Against Student Morals is 72.4% of the rest is determined by other<br>variables. Based on the data analysis can be seen that the value of coefficient of 0.852 based<br>on Table key, the number 0.852 is between 0.71-0.90, then this shows strong closeness. The<br>correlation of direction between positive variables because there is no negative sign at r<br>count, thus this relationship shows bigger result in activity of Scout Extracurricular So<br>Student Akhlak will be better in SMP Islam YPI HM Asman District Bojonggede, likewise. will<br>be known greater than r Table at significance level of 1% and 5% with N family 39. Based<br>on the coefficient that can be generated r Table (5% 0.316) <r count (0,408)> r Table (1%<br>0,408). Thus it can be seen that larger than Table r good at the level of significance (5%<br>0.316) and (1% 0.408) (Sugiyono, 2015: Statistics For Research). It can be interpreted that<br>there are positive and significant factors between liveliness. Extracurricular Scout Against<br>Student Morals in Islamic Junior High School YPI HM Asman District Bojonggede.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN INTERAKTIF MATERI KETERAMPILAN KEPRAMUKAAN GOLONGAN PENEGAK DALAM KEGIATAN PENGEMBARAAN2018-12-07T15:56:10+07:00Muhammad Shiddiq Rilo Anditomuhammad.shiddiq.rilo.andito@live.comDedi<p>Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah kurangnya media pembelajaran kepramukaan di<br>gugusdepan terutama di pondok pesantren Darus Sa’adah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1)<br>mengembangkan sebuah media pembelajaran untuk memudahkan pembelajaran pada<br>kegiatan kepramukaan terutama pada materi pengembaraan pada anggota pramuka<br>golongan penegak dan (2) memotivasi anggota pramuka terutama anggota pramuka<br>golongan penegak untuk mengikuti pendidikan kepramukaan di gugusdepannya. Penelitian<br>ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan atau Research and Development dengan model<br>penelitian Borg dan Gall dan dengan model pengembangan ASSURE. Hasil akhir dari<br>penelitian ini adalah produk media pembelajaran interaktif yang dapat dioperasikan di PC<br>(Personal Computer) dengan aplikasi Articulate Storyline versi 2.0, selanjutnya media diuji<br>coba oleh ahli konten, ahli pembelajaran, ahli media dan peserta didik dalam kelompok<br>kecil. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan angket dan analisis data dilakukan dengan<br>analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) media pembelajaran interaktif<br>mampu memudahkan pembelajaran kepramukaan dengan hasil penilaian kelompok kecil<br>pada isi materi bernilai 89,29%, pembelajaran bernilai 87,50% dan media bernilai 92,31%<br>dan (2) media pembelajaran interaktif ini layak digunakan berdasarkan hasil uji coba<br>media oleh para ahli dan peserta didik.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) ANTARA KECERDASAN INTERPERSONAL DENGAN HASIL BELAJAR SIMULASI DIGITAL PESERTA DIDIK KELAS X TEKNIK KENDARAAN RINGAN SMK TARUNA TERPADU 12019-01-14T13:37:18+07:00Della Damayantidella@gmail.comSepty<p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengetahui kecerdasan interpersonal dan hasil belajar simulasi digital peserta didik, (2) menguji kekuatan hubungan antara kecerdasan interpersonal dengan hasil belajar simulasi digital, (3) menguji signifikansi hubungan antara kecerdasan interpersonal dengan hasil belajar simulasi digital, dan (4) menguji besar sumbangan kecerdasan interpersonal terhadap hasil belajar simulasi digital.<br>Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas X Teknik Kendaraan Ringan SMK Taruna Terpadu 1 kemang bogor sebanyak 185 orang. ukuran sampel penelitian sebanyak 65 orang ditentukan dengan rumus Slovin, selanjutnya sampel setiap kelas ditentukan dengan teknik data dikumpulkan dengan angket. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis deskriptif dan regresi.<br>Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) kecerdasan interpersonal sebagian besar peserta didik (87.69%) termasuk kategori cukup dan hasil belajar simulasi digital sebagian peserta didik (83.08%) termasuk kategori cukup, (2) kekuatan hubungan antara kecerdasan interpersonal dengan hasil belajar simulasi digital sebesar 0.392 berada dalam kategori rendah, (3) terdapat korelasi yang positif dan signifikan anatara kecerdasan interpersonal dengan hasil belajar simulasi digital (r: 0.392, ρ: 0.001); (4) sumbangan variable kecerdasan interpersonal terhadap hasil belajar simulasi digital peserta didik sebesar 15,3%.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) EMPIRIS PROGRAM PRAKTIK PENGALAMAN LAPANGAN (PPL) TENTANG KOMPETENSI MAHASISWA FKIP2019-01-23T09:20:01+07:00Irna<p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan (1) analisis kompetensi mahasiswa untuk menentukan indikator keberhasilan dan kelemahan serta (2) menganalisis kesesuaian indikator pada lembar penilaian kompetensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitik. Data sekunder yang dianalisis berupa hasil penilaian praktik PPL mahasiswa Ta. 2017-2018. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa di atas 50% keseluruhan kompetensi pedagogik dan profesional dengan kategori sangat baik dan baik serta 32% dinyatakan kategori cukup dan kurang. Pada kompetensi sosial dan kepribadian diperoleh 70,2% kategori sangat baik dan baik serta 29,8% dikategorikan cukup dan kurang. Penilaian yang digunakan berupa penilaian kemampuan menyususn RPP dan kemampuan mengajar, serta penilaian kompetensi sosial dan pribadi. Bentuk penilaian ini tidak memilah secara tegas yang terkait dengan empat kompetensi yaitu kompetensi pedagogik, profesional, sosial dan kepribadian tetapi sebagian besar indikator mencerminkan ukuran dari ke empat kompetensi tersebut. Temuan ini memberikan masukan bahwa masih ada kemampuan mahasiswa praktikan (peserta PPL) yang dinilai cukup dan kurang dalam semua kompetensi. Oleh karena itu, kedepan perlu dilakukan kajian mendalam tentang lembar penilaian yang digunakan serta analisis dalam proses pengembangan kompetensi yang dilakukan guru pamong di sekolah mitra.</p>2018-12-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) METODE PROYEK UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KERJA KERAS PADA ANAK USIA DINI2019-02-20T09:50:53+07:00Lailatul MufarohahLailatulmufarrohah06@gmail.comEndin<p>Work hard of children in some kindergartens / RA are still relatively low, this makes it<br>difficult for teachers to condition children when starting learning activities. Some learning<br>methods used by teachers tend to be monotonous so that children are easily bored.<br>Therefore, alternative methods are needed to improve children's work hard. The purpose of<br>this study was to examine the effect of the project method on work hard in early childhood.<br>The study was conducted in RA Al-Hidayah, Kemang District, Bogor Regency. With a sample<br>of 44 children. The research method used is a quantitative method of experimental approach<br>with "pretest-posttest control group design" (pretest-posttest control group). Data<br>collection techniques use observation and documentation. The results of research on child<br>work hard show that the Ttabel> Thitung or sig < 0, 05 is 0, 000<0, 05. means that there are<br>significant differences in workhard of children using the project method. thus it can be<br>concluded that the project method has a positive influence on the work hard. But keep in<br>mind that the project method is not the only method that causes increased work hard. There<br>are still other factors that influence children's work hard.</p>2018-12-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2019